About Guest-of-Honour, Terence Quek
About Guest-of-Honour, Terence Quek
Terence QUEK
CEO, Emergenetics International-Asia
When not bringing Emergenetics to every mind in the Asia Pacific region or helping people and organisations achieve their goals through strategic communication, this Navy Officer-turned-Entrepreneur enjoys driving community projects, exploring cultures, or simply, having a good conversation over a cup of Nanyang Kopi-O.
Born in Singapore and raised in a HDB estate, Terence is proud that his Singaporean passport can get him through borders with little fuss. For that, he is thankful because he cannot sit still and must be on the go - constantly. He never had the chance to submit a CV for a job, but decided he would prepare one anyway just so he could stick his personal mission statement “To make a positive difference” at the very top.
He learns from everyone, including Yoda from Star Wars (“Do or Do Not, There Is No Try”). He is generous with his knowledge, sharing unreservedly with friends, folks he mentor, and anyone who cares to listen. For that, he was recently affectionately described as “avuncular” (he had to look the word up in dictionary).
Terence loves to balloon-up ideas, making them big and global, though he also knows how to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground. He is a full-time volunteer in various community groups including SAFRA, South West Community Development Council and Project Happy Feet. He is humbled and honoured to be invited to his Secondary School Chemistry teacher’s solo art exhibition as a Guest-of-Honour – he thinks she is a powerful force for good – and keeps his fingers cross that she would not put him on the spot by making him regurgitate the Periodic Table of Elements to her guests.
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